Mentor (PGC, CME) - piano
Roberta grew up in Zimbabwe studying piano privately and at the Harare College of Music. She continued her education in the UK at Goldsmiths College and with Tim Barrat gaining a Certificate in Music Studies and LRSM.
She worked as a peripatetic piano teacher in London at both infant and secondary schools, before setting up a private teaching studio and running group music classes at the Len Tyler Music School.
Roberta now teaches piano and musicianship to students of all ages from her studio in Surrey. She offers dedicated lessons in aural, theory and performance preparation, for all instrumentalists; and in sight reading, practice skills and open classes for pianists. Roberta’s students often win music scholarships and places in junior conservatoire programmes. Roberta mentors teachers both 1:1 and in groups. She provides support as they work towards teaching diploma exams and develop their teaching and performing skills. Roberta is also a guest writer for Tim Topham and Pianodao.
Roberta is passionate about helping others develop their unique skills. In 2013 she began, Music Me Piano Practice Resources. These aids enhance learning and practice skills.
A life long learner, Roberta has continued her professional development through summer schools, particularly in Dalcroze and Kodaly, completing her Kodaly training at KCL. She reads broadly and draws on aspects of positive psychology and growth mindset in her teaching. Roberta is currently studying at Guildhall School of Music and Drama (PgCert in Performance Teaching). She enjoys performing and is especially enthusiastic about inspiring a love of classical music in a wider audience. Roberta believes in the power of community based music making and has found the perfect outlet for this as a choir leader. She is also a Steinway trained piano technician and primary school governor.